Friday, March 6, 2015

I am not enough.

Not enough. 

Not enough time. Not enough energy.

Not smart enough. Not funny enough. Not good enough. 

Not enough hands to clean up the spit up off the floor, red pen marks on the chair cushion, and the coffee that just got pulled over by curious toddler hands. 

Not even 10a.m. yet?

And so goes every morning this week. I'm not enough.


He is enough. He is more than enough.

He holds time in his hands. He is the giver of life and strength.

He is truth and He gives wisdom at a simple request. He brings joy and He is peace. He is good all the time.

He lovingly cleans up the mess of my life, and He is patient when my curious heart wanders away. And with the love that only the Father can give, He hears my cry and tenderly, quietly, perfectly mends my broken heart back together. 

He lavishes upon me grace and love and everything good. He makes my heart beautiful.

"For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace." John 1:16

My emptiness. His fullness. My brokenness. His grace. Grace upon grace. 

I can function out of the overflow of His fullness or I can function out of my incompleteness. I know where the latter leads me, but I also know that, eventually, I will attempt it again. And I will fail again because, no, I am not enough. 

I will never be enough. 

And I couldn't be more thankful for that. If I were enough, why would I ever need more? My insufficiency is a constant reminder that I am in need of something greater. Something outside of myself. A perfect Savior. The One who made me whole. The One who invites me to take on His burden because it's lighter than the load I'm hauling around (Matthew 11:29).

So, no. I am not enough. And neither are you. Let's stop trying to be! Instead, let's encourage one another on toward the One who is more than enough.

I am free from this idea that I need to be enough. 

Jesus is enough for me. 

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